Pics and Vids
2016 was my first year as host for the Christchurch Distinguished Gentlemans Ride. The weather on the Sunday morning was less than kind with a thick misty drizzle that showed no signs of stopping. We were set to meet up at First European for pre-ride coffees at 12.00 noon, so I got there early and nervously paced the showroom - I knew that in the interests of safety, that if the rain persisted I was going to have to cancel. At 11.40am a couple of faces appeared at the window so I opened up the shop and let them in. These guys were looking a bit soggy but said that the roads on the way in to town were starting to dry and that it looked like the rain might pass by.
As we drank coffee and chatted several more riders turned up all saying the same, so I made the decision we were RIDING!.
Eventually about 25 of us left the shop for the short ride down to Cathedral Square for the official ride assembly point and I was really pleased to see about 50 more guys (and girls) waiting for us.
As can be seen from the pics and from Jonathan Mackies video we all had a fantastic time and were really proud to be part of such a great cause.